Get out of the mental loop of thinking you need to be and do more.  


 1111 is a universal signal of alignment and awakening.


On Friday, NOV 11, get to know a higher version of your Self on a magnified level.

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You're feeling it


Something in you knows that you're meant for something bigger


You're seeking refined clarity


You long for deeper connection - with yourself and with others


You're due for a good inward pause, reflection and high-level attunement

1111 Upgrades


Destress.  Calm your parasympathetic nervous system from the work week, and come back to a place of comfortable stillness within your own Self.


Clear.  Clear your space, your schedule, your mental patterns, your perceptions.  Through a guided practice, you will receive distinct clarity to help you navigate the rest of your year and prepare for what you intend to create in 2023.


Uplevel. Plant the seeds of consciousness to set you on a path of elevated success - in your finances, relationships, body, career, daily routines.  Heighten your awareness and vibrational field from the inside out.


Receive.  Connect with your Self and with heart-minded people showing up to do the work with you.  Fill your cup as you nourish your soul.




Merriliz is pure magic.  Every time I take her meditation class I feel like I know my true self more and more.  The 11/11 meditation was all about shifting and releasing to create new and soul-supportive experiences, and I am so grateful she facilitates and holds the biggest space in her heart for miracles to take place.

brandon foreman

Such an amazing meditation 11/11 workshop guided by Merriliz. She’s such an amazing Light Worker that will help you locate deep recesses of love, teach you how to harness that love and how to share it with others.  Please take advantage of her 11/11 workshop.  Your vibration will thank you immensely!  



I decided to come to Merriliz’s 11-11 meditation on a whim, and I am so grateful I was called to show up.  This guided meditation was both the beauty and healing I needed going into my birthday.  I am so grateful for the universe giving me this divine opportunity. Thank you Merriliz.


Hi, I'm Merriliz


YIN CITY® Founder

I'm a mental wealth champion using yogic science to help you get unstuck in your relationships, your body, and your wealth consciousness so that you can live fully in your purpose and power.

Much of my trainings and processes stem from my certifications as an Advanced Oneness Trainer from O&O Academy in south India, where I've been honored to teach the technologies of awakening.

I Am so grateful to lead you through this work.


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In ancient numerology, 1111 is a confirming symbol of new opportunity and divine intervention.


1111 energy is a gateway of possibility and a home-coming back to your spiritual core.


On this specific date, take advantage of the heightened energy with an inward retreat of calm surrender and energized creativity.


* No need to bring a mat -just yourself!

+ Enjoy complimentary Elderberry Source wellness shots, and connect with heart-forward leaders and locals in Las Vegas.

time-sensitive ticketing

Your ticket is included if you upgraded to VIP for the End-of-Year Accelerator.